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Safety Issues of Science, Etc.

In order to ensure the protection of your child and his/her classmates, it is the policy of Science, Etc. that no one is allowed to bring any potentially dangerous tools or instruments to this campus. These include, but are not limited to, the following: whips, knives, fingernail files, chains, and ropes. Parents should help their child make wise decisions on appropriate items to bring to school. **Each child is expected to honor their classmates with loving actions and kind words of encouragement.** All violations will be addressed in the following manner: each child will have his/her situation addressed based on the biblically-based character qualities taught here, such as compassion, grace, and forgiveness balanced with age-appropriate consequences designed according to each individual personality and emotional stability. If the consequences are not working, further action will be necessary. If a child is not cooperating, he/she will be asked to leave Science, Etc. 

Authorization for Phone Number and Address Release for School Directory

This directory will be released only to those parents with children enrolled this year at Science, Etc. It is strictly for the use of parents to get help with homework assignments, carpooling, parties, etc. Please do not share this information with anyone outside of Science, Etc. 

Science, Etc. Commitment

There is a one school year commitment (nine months), understanding that there may arise certain situations that are unavoidable, and each situation will be evaluated on an individual basis. Notification must be made in writing to registration one week prior to the next month. Class fee changes will apply. Please make every effort to have your child at each class throughout the year, arrive on time, and to pick them up promptly at the appointed time. There is a $5 per child late fee if you pick up later than 10 minutes after their last class. If you are over 10 minutes late picking up your child at the end of the day, a charge of $25 will be added to your account.

 Drop Policy Fees

Due to the adverse effect of dropouts on school and teacher finance and planning, a Drop Policy Fee is necessary. If you drop any or all classes after September 13 of the current school year, you will be responsible for 100% of the remaining school year's tuition. On the registration form you will be asked to sign that you understand & agree to this Drop Policy Fee.

Lunchroom Policies and Behavior Expectations

Please make sure your child’s lunch does not need to be refrigerated or warmed. The lunchroom is available only to those whose classes are before and after lunch. Please instruct your children regarding appropriate behavior before and after class. Classroom rules will be given by individual teachers and will need to be followed by all students. This includes behavior on the playground, in the lunchroom, and in the hallways. Monitors for the lunchrooms are there to supervise children. All students need to clean up their own messes. This is an opportunity for children to learn self-governing. Please make your child aware of this.